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New Year Entry

Currently I'm not a little bit sngt2 down....not a good start untuk 2019....

Semua Kait dengan kerja... current director keep on find my mistake & keep on bullying me with an issue...on the public dia boleh cubit2 kau...tolak2 ko...and ugut...if the case not settle ko jgn pindah!!!!terang2 Dalam email ckp...benda ni p&c...bila ko buat mcm Tu org keliling aku which is kawan2 aku xtanya ke...apa yg sebenarnya berlaku...aku mmmg stress...benda boleh settle tp ko sibuk nak tarik perhatian org untuk tgk benda ni....jadahnya hidup ko mcm Tu...

And because of "u not perform" I kena transfer...walhal....ko nak tarik balik kawan2 ko yg bakal berpencen soon...arghh...I hate office politics...senior need to respect..hello I already 10yrs in service...patot ke aku ko panggil junior lagi??sampai brapa thn Baru nak panggil junior???

Ada lagi Satu kes buat aku down giler....I know I'm not a perfect person...keep on doing mistake & I really happy bila org come back to me & ckp apa Salah & mintak tlg perbaiki...I'm fixing the mistake that I make...I'm dealing with other...why u have to get involve???I know u try to pretend like to protecting me...but u are not...benda tgh settlekan & peringkat siasatan....xperlu kot ko nak mention this to top management...aku bukan tinggal terus masalah Tu...aku sedang memperbaikinya!!!pastu bila aku dah tau ...ko sibuk nak msg Tanya itu Dan ini....elok la ko XDA kawan...Ada kawan pon ko akan tikam belakang!!!!aku no berusaha la nak cover supaya org x tarik masuk ko Dalam kes ni...walaupun ko apa ko buat kat aku??provoke...Dan BG aku tmbh stress!!!!!and without shame u declare us BFF???bullshit!!!!!

People keep on see u as a successful person..have master...get promoted....but at the end u are nothing....aku mmg sedih & down dengan masalah aku skrg....nak share ngan org lain aku yakin...they will leep on mentioning "sabar" "pk positif" to aku yg hadap....skrg aku rasa Naik ke post lagi Tinggi bukan la jaminan ko akan ia akan buat ko rasa lagi Susah!!!!

LOVE to be PEACE....


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